Almost brilliant

If you’ve never seen Cameron Crowe’s 2000 film Almost Famous, time’s a-wastin’. If you have, you’ve probably seen it 20 times, so you’re familiar with the scene in which a blues-rockin’ touring band named Stillwater finds its redemption in the Elton John/Bernie Taupin tune “Tiny Dancer.” However unlikely the conceit (perhaps “Ramblin’ Man”? “Tuesday’s Gone”?), the band, along with Crowe’s young

doppelgänger music journalist and the sage groupie Penny Lane, burst into spontaneous balladry on the bus.  

In honor of the movie’s (almost) 15th anniversary, some Internet wisenheimers named Those Sucka Chuckas (“We do comedy. dark comedy, slap stick comedy, bad comedy, even on occasion good comedy”) decided to pay loving homage to the scene with this 2014 “sock-puppet reenactment.” The direction and low-budget mise-en-scène are superb. Except that the characters are hosiery, it’s hard to tell the difference.


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