Aces high

The Aces For a music journalist, it’s sometimes difficult to find a hook hefty enough to hang a story on. Utah alt-pop band The Aces is a hook emporium. To wit: They’re from Provo, within shouting distance of Osmond Lane, a street of mansions occupied by members of the famed entertainment family. Provo is in… Continue reading Aces high

Guilty pleasures, tunes edition

“Arizona,” Mark Lindsay. This song’s as bizarre as its back story. Before he went solo, Lindsay was lead singer for the gimmick band Paul Revere and the Raiders, whose members performed in frilly Colonial garb and tricorne hats. Lindsay wasn’t “Paul Revere,” a mistake many make. The real fake Revere was a crazed-weasel band mate who… Continue reading Guilty pleasures, tunes edition