The past looms large for Tony Mandarich – almost as large as the man himself. The NCAA colossus and NFL underachiever has just clambered out of his black monster Jeep in front of his photography studio in North Scottsdale. Unlike his ride and most everything else about Mandarich’s outsize life, the studio is modest. Mandarich… Continue reading From lineman to lensman
Tag: alcohol
Adam and Eve hit the sauza
In Hannah and Her Sisters, Daniel Stern plays a rock star looking to buy artwork he doesn’t claim to appreciate from an embittered intellectual portrayed by Max von Sydow. Von Sydow won’t sell to this putz, who measures art by how it looks over a sofa. There’s something similar going on with George Holz’s “Original… Continue reading Adam and Eve hit the sauza
The art of craftbeer
While Texans and beer have always gone together like cowboys and beans, the state’s world-champeen suds swillers have mostly been under the thumb of foreign interests in Golden, Colorado, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sure, we kept chuggin’ those undistinguished imports ’til we couldn’t squeeze said thumb between oversized buckle and distended belly, but we didn’t have… Continue reading The art of craftbeer